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ADHD Analog Brain Tool updates for June 2023

Here are the updates for the ADHD Analog Brain Tool as of June 18, 2023:  Section 1-13. Hotlines for more help: Added phone numbers for hotlines in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Africa, the UK and Ireland. Added more numbers for the USA as well. Added a link to more international hotlines at Thank you ao3 user gracelesso for the suggestion and the links!  Section 1-14. Understimulation fixes: Added section on what to do when feeling understimulated / low. Thank you tumblr user the-illustrious-zwee for the suggestion!  Section 2-5. Ways to learn things: Added direct links.  Section 2-6. Learn a language: Added direct links.  Section 3-4. Yoga Resources: Added direct links.  Section 5 - Physical health: Updated all NSAID pain reliever instructions to include "Do not drink alcohol while taking NSAIDS."  Section 5-8. How to deal with a migraine: Added clarification on auras More updates will be added as feedback continues to

Update: Light version

The light version (black text on white background) of the ADHD Analog Brain is now up! Links to the light version and original dark version  can be found in the sidebar and at the bottom of the page. 

The ADHD Analog Brain is here!

Click here to access the Analog Brain Tool .....  Sometimes (lots of times) (all the time), I have the urge to do a thing but I don't know what. Or, I feel weird, but can't figure out why or what to do to fix it.  ADHD, autism, executive dysfunction, how I feel, and the phase of the moon can all make it really hard for me to think of a solution to the issue, or even know what the issue IS. And while meds and regular sleep certainly help, for better or for worse my brain just isn't wired for this. So, I decided to outsource my brain. I couldn't find an app that did what I wanted or was customizable enough for me to fake it. Therefore I built an analog external brain to do my thinking for me. Originally it was a notebook, and I shared excerpts on Tumblr. It got a huge response, so I started trying to figure out how to make a webpage or app for other people to use.  And now it’s here! Updates with further developments will be posted in this space.  And remember: No matter