Here are the updates for the ADHD Analog Brain Tool as of June 18, 2023:
Section 1-13. Hotlines for more help: Added phone numbers for hotlines in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Africa, the UK and Ireland. Added more numbers for the USA as well. Added a link to more international hotlines at Thank you ao3 user gracelesso for the suggestion and the links!
Section 1-14. Understimulation fixes: Added section on what to do when feeling understimulated / low. Thank you tumblr user the-illustrious-zwee for the suggestion!
Section 2-5. Ways to learn things: Added direct links.
Section 2-6. Learn a language: Added direct links.
Section 3-4. Yoga Resources: Added direct links.
Section 5 - Physical health: Updated all NSAID pain reliever instructions to include "Do not drink alcohol while taking NSAIDS."
Section 5-8. How to deal with a migraine: Added clarification on auras
More updates will be added as feedback continues to come in!
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